Бофор (Beaufort)

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«Бофор» (фр. Beaufort) — израильская военная драма — фильм 2007 года, номинированный на премию «Оскар».

Блок: 1/6 | Кол-во символов: 314
Источник: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80_(%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC)

Краткое содержание фильма «Бофор»:

Фильм «Бофор» повествует о командире, который вместе с войском стоял в районе израильской границы. Его блокпост так и назывался Бофор. В тот момент, когда точку дисклокации атаковали, со всех сторон летели не то что пули, а разрывающиеся снаряды, бомбы, солдаты не имели права покидать территорию. У них был приказ и миссия, от которой нельзя было отходить. Но смотреть, как гибнут ещё совсем молодые люди, было невыносимо для командира, несмотря, на то что сверху не поступило никаких сигналов, никоих указов он вынужден был спасать подопечных, не боем, а бегством. Всем известно, какие последствия бывают при самовольничестве.

Блок: 2/2 | Кол-во символов: 671
Источник: http://2.1hdlava.com/film/bofor.html



Beaufort was generally well received by critics. As of , the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 88% of critics gave the film positive reviews, based on 40 reviews. Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly gave it an A, calling it «a movie of tremendous power—nerve-racking, astute, and neutral enough to apply to all soldiers, in all wars, everywhere».A. O. Scott of The New York Times wrote: «Even if it does not entirely rise above cliché, ‘Beaufort’ has an earnest, sober intelligence that makes it hard to shake. It suggests that, for those who fight, the futility of war is inseparable from its nobility.» The film’s concept and look were compared to those of Letters from Iwo Jima.

The film gained mostly very positive reviews in Israel; several reviewers called it one of the best Israeli films ever. Hannah Brown of The Jerusalem Post called it the first great Israeli war film. The less positive reviews claimed that the film lacks a direct confrontation with its issues or criticism.

Effi Eitam, an Israeli war hero who was an Israel Defense Forces high commander in Lebanon (he was replaced by Moshe Kaplinsky several months before the withdrawal), said that the film «successfully depicts, in great detail, the military experience». Eitam also criticized the creators for showing only the last days of the fighting and not telling the full story of the 18 years of Israeli fighting in Lebanon («Whoever watches this movie is likely to think that this entire war was just a matter of inane duck shooting… That’s not how we operated»).

Linda Barnard from the Toronto Star notes that «Liraz can’t protect his men and is visibly diminished each time they face danger and death.» As well, he «faces his last order with resolve mixed with bitterness and anger over the useless sacrifice of those who died to defend what the army is about to wipe out». Andrea Gronvall from the Chicago Reader calls it a «blistering antiwar film»; she states that «the absurdity and terrors of their situation are compounded when the squad receives orders to evacuate and blow up its bunker—something the enemy has been trying to do all along.»

Jonathan Richards notes that the film has a «slow and contemplative , punctuated by shocking bursts of explosive violence». He states that «at a little over two hours, drags at times with its static, claustrophobic setting and thin plot,» but nevertheless states that «it makes an urgent case for the futility of most wars, which serve immediate political goals that afterward don’t seem terribly important.» He states that «at its core Beaufort is about the heroism of withdrawal, the guts it takes to reject the militaristic mindset that believes any retreat is a weakness.»


Beaufort is one of the most successful Israeli films of the 2000s. It made more than US$500,000 in the first 3 weeks of its release in the Israeli market, a substantial amount for a domestic Israeli film. Since its release, it was viewed by over 300,000 viewers in Israel.

Awards and nominations

Cedar won the Silver Bear in the Berlin International Film Festival for directing Beaufort, and the film was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the first such nomination for an Israeli film since Beyond the Walls (1984) and the seventh overall. In Israel it won 4 Ophir Awards—Best Cinematography, Best Film Editing, Best Artistic Design and Best Soundtrack. It was also nominated for Best Picture, although the award went to The Band’s Visit, making Beaufort the first film directed by Cedar to not win this award. The Band’s Visit’s status as a foreign language film in the Academy Awards was rejected because it contains over 50% dialogue in English, which caused the runner-up Beaufort to become Israel’s submission instead.

Блок: 2/7 | Кол-во символов: 3815
Источник: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_(film)

В ролях

Актёр Роль
Ошри Коэн лейтенант Лираз Либерти
Эли Алтонио Ошри
Итай Турджеман Томер Зилтауи
Итай Тиран санитар Идан Корис
Даниэль Брук Павел
Галь Фридман Бейлис
Нево Кимхи Авишай
Игаль Резник Руби
Итай Шор Эмилио
Артур Перзев Йонатан Шпицер
Охад Кнолер сапер Зив
Алон Абутбуль бригадный генерал Кимхи
Зоар Штраус Росман

Блок: 3/6 | Кол-во символов: 376
Источник: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80_(%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC)


The casting has raised serious public criticism in Israel, especially from families of slain soldiers and war veterans, given the fact that some of the actors did not serve in the Israeli army (Army service is compulsory in Israel, although some people are exempt). Cedar commented that the actors had to spend a month at an actual outpost preparing for their roles, and «Israel may be the only place where actors are expected to have actual combat experience when playing soldiers in a movie.»

It was rumored that it was the filmmakers of Beaufort who brought to the Academy’s attention the ineligibility, on language grounds, of The Band’s Visit. Beaufort‘s makers denied this rumor.

Блок: 3/7 | Кол-во символов: 699
Источник: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_(film)


Actor Role
Oshri Cohen Lieutenant Liraz «Erez» Librati, bunker commander
Eli Eltonyo Oshri, company first sergeant
Itay Turgeman Sergeant Tomer Zitlaui
Ohad Knoller Lieutenant Ziv Faran, bomb disposal officer
Daniel Bruk Pavel
Ygal Reznik Robbie
Itay Szor Emilio
Itay Tiran Idan Koris, emergency medical technician
Arthur Faradjev Yonatan Shpitzer
Gal Friedman Belis
Zohar Strauss Rossman
Alon Aboutboul Brigadier-General Kimchi, division commander
Danni Zahavi Captain Meir, engineer officer
Nevo Kimchi Avishai
Hannan Yishai Nadav
Gideon Levy Himself

Блок: 4/7 | Кол-во символов: 558
Источник: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_(film)

Кол-во блоков: 14 | Общее кол-во символов: 7134
Количество использованных доноров: 3
Информация по каждому донору:

  1. http://2.1hdlava.com/film/bofor.html: использовано 1 блоков из 2, кол-во символов 671 (9%)
  2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80_(%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC): использовано 3 блоков из 6, кол-во символов 1391 (19%)
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_(film): использовано 3 блоков из 7, кол-во символов 5072 (71%)

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