Ланкашир (Lancashire)

Ла́нкашир (англ. Lancashire, /ˈlæŋkəˌʃə/ или /ˈlæŋkəˌʃɪə/) — церемониальное неметрополитенское графство в Северо-Западной Англии на берегу Ирландского моря. Столица и крупнейший город — Престон. Население 1,168 млн человек (4-е место среди графств; оценка 2007 года). Является частью герцогства Ланкашир, которое с 1413 года принадлежит британским монархам и является источником их персональных доходов.

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Источник: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8%D1%80


Lancashire is, broadly, made up of three different regions:

There are also other areas which have historic ties to Lancashire but are now associated with other areas, such as parts of Cheshire and Manchester.




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Источник: https://wikitravel.org/en/Lancashire

Из ЭСБЕ (данные конца XIX века)

Поверхность северной, меньшей части называется Фернес (англ.), между заливами Моркам (англ.) и Даддон (англ.), плоская у берегов, внутри же страны волнистая; перерезается отрогами Кумбрийских гор, достигающих 785 м высоты, например у городов Олд-Ман (англ.) и Конистон-Фелл (англ.); восточные области также гористы; здесь длинный хребет, называемый «Становым хребтом Англии» (The Backbone of England), отделяет Ланкашир от Йорка, в остальных частях поверхность ровная. В северной части графства находится прославленное озеро Конистон и частью живописный Виндермир. Южная и большая часть Ланкашира болотиста и своими небольшими возвышенностями соединяется с Пенинской горной цепью. В северных областях преобладает силурийская система, прерываемая гранитом и порфиром. В южной, в долине реки Мерси пестрый песчаник, между реками Мерси и Риббль — каменноугольная система. Огромные богатства угля создали фабричную славу Ланкашира; береговые области представляют низменные полосы. Почва в холмистых местах торфяная, в низменных — жирно-глинистая. Орошается реками Даддон (англ.), Льюн, Уайр, Риббль, Мерси и Ирвелль.

Климат умеренный, но очень сырой.

Земледелие и скотоводство незначительны. Медь, железо, каменный уголь, залегающий на пространстве 562 км²; в 1892 году добыто угля более 22 млн тонн. Ланкашир — по преимуществу хлопчатобумажное графство; центр этой промышленности, занимающей до 2000 фабрик, — Манчестер, главнейший же пункт отпускной торговли графства — Ливерпуль. Целая сеть железных дорог и каналов. Есть ещё фабрики шерстяные, полотняные, чулочные, писчебумажные, химические, машиностроительные заводы и многие другие; значительно также кораблестроение. Герцогство Ланкашир почти совпадает с графством; оно имеет своего канцлера. Главный город графства — Престон.

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Источник: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8%D1%80

Other destinations

The Forest of Bowland (sometimes called the Trough of Bowland) is often described as ‘Lancashire’s hidden gem’. It remained inaccessible until late in the twentieth century and is almost completely unchanged. The southern part of Bowland bordering onto the Ribble Valley, around Stonyhurst College, was the inspiration for Tolkien’s vision of Middle Earth ( not Mordor ) in ‘The Hobbit’. An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which was the first region in England to be awarded Europarc status, its villages are characterful and well worth visiting. Visit Bowland Wild Boar Park PR3 2QT; 01995 61554, situated about 2 miles from the picturesque village of Chipping, on the Chipping to Dunsop Bridge road in the Forest of Bowland. It is signposted clearly from all directions.

The Pennine foothills around Rossendale (Rawtenstall, Haslingden, Waterfoot, Bacup and district) now being rebranded as Pennine Lancashire also provide interesting walking, and are rich in the remnants of industrial, textile and quarrying archaeology. These small mill-towns are surrounded by accessible moorland and make a good base for exploring Lancashire.

Rawtenstall is home to Fitzpatricks 5, Bank Street, BB4 6QS (01706 231836), founded in 1890 it’s the last remaining Temperance Bar in the UK, where it serves black beer, sarsaparilla, blood tonic, cream soda and other non-alcoholic drinks.

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Источник: https://wikitravel.org/en/Lancashire


Was there a «Red Rose»?

In the 15th century, rival branches of the Plantagenet dynasty fell out, and for the next 30 years the Dukes of York and Dukes of Lancaster fought for the crown of England. The conflict only ended with the death in battle of Richard III in 1485, and accession of Henry VII and his Tudor dynasty.

In Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part I, the rivals pick white or red roses to show their allegiance. Historians quibble that, while the white rose always symbolised York, the red rose for Lancaster didn’t appear till Tudor times, and the term “Wars of the Roses” was invented in the 19th century by Sir Walter Scott.

Such stuff! Fact of the matter is, neither duchy had much connection to its nominal city, and little of the fighting was in Lancashire: the battles were in Yorkshire, St Albans, Tewkesbury and anywhere but Lancs. So wouldn’t that mean that the Red Rose men usually had to turn out in an off-colour away-strip?

Britain’s pre-1974 counties needed reform to catch up with modern ways of living and governing, especially in ramshackle Lancashire. Manchester and Liverpool were huge self-governing entities with their own centres of gravity. Barrow-in-Furness lay the far side of Morecambe Bay, yet was an exclave of Lancashire because stagecoaches used to go north by crossing the sands from Morecambe. So boundary change was necessary, but with it Lancashire lost 40% of its area, and an even greater chunk of its cultural history. The Beatles, Beryl Bainbridge, Ken Dodd, Jimmy Tarbuck, Bill Tidy: all gone to Merseyside, along with the seaside resort of Southport. Les Dawson, Samuel Crompton, Emmeline Pankhurst and Thomas de Quincey: all gone to Greater Manchester, along with LS Lowry’s Salford, Gracie Field’s Rochdale, Fred Dibnah’s Bolton and George Orwell’s Wigan Pier. And Barrow went to Cumbria, along with its submarine-building yards, and Walney Island inspiration for Thomas the Tank Engine’s «Isle of Sodor».

There was plenty left. The Blackburn of Barbara Castle and its infamous 4000 potholes, the Preston of Tom Finney, the Blackpool of Violet Carson aka Ena Sharples, and the Morecambe of none other than Eric Morecambe. More importantly, Lancashire had to re-think and re-balance itself. Blackpool declined as a resort but lived on as a conference centre; its airport closed to commercial flights but became an air-support base for the gas fields out in Morecambe Bay. Lancaster lost its lino factories but continued to expand its university, one of the “plate glass” universities of the 1960s. Preston North End played in football’s lower divisions but the town’s commercial and military aircraft industry prospered, and the polytechnic became a university.

And what the county never lost, and could now found upon, was its countryside. The mill towns were clustered in the southern valleys with limited spread onto the farmland and moors above. Nick Park of Preston created Shaun the Sheep to cavort amidst drystone walls in pre-lapsarian green fields. Lancashire gained some territory from Yorkshire, a rural area on the Aire / Ribble watershed, so upper Ribblesdale and the Forest of Bowland AONB now joined seamlessly to the protected scenery of the Dales. You won’t find many red roses growing up there, but you will find reasons to be pleased you came to Lancs.

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Источник: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Lancashire

Go next[edit]

East into Yorkshire, especially the scenic dales; north to Cumbria and Scotland, south to the buzz of Manchester or Liverpool; west to explore North Wales.

Or hop on a ferry to Ireland or the Isle of Man.

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Источник: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Lancashire

Get out

Ferries and flights for the Isle of Man or Ireland leave from Lancashire, while to the North the Lake District or the Fylde Coast are generally considered Lancashire’s playgrounds.

Manchester is the main international airport for the region and less expensive to use in comparison to other airports in the South. Liverpool, Blackpool are the smaller regional airports but also offer European destinations.

The area is served with a excellent road and rail system (Manchester to London about 3 hours).

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Источник: https://wikitravel.org/en/Lancashire

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  2. https://wikitravel.org/en/Lancashire: использовано 3 блоков из 14, кол-во символов 2166 (27%)
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